Professional Development

Upcoming Workshops & Training Events.

Best Practices

A key focus of RCNET’s professional development (PD) offerings is to allow the STEM community to share best practices. RCNET thoroughly reviews developments in STEM workforce education and then schedules PD sessions to help our partners learn about and implement best practices to address key challenges, embed emerging technologies, and grow their nuclear programs.

Emerging & Convergent Technologies

A common trend in the 21st century is the entanglement of fields and technologies across disciplines. Today’s nuclear technicians need to know nuclear science but also cybersecurity, robotics, environmental management, and data science which is often difficult to embed in a 60-66 credit hour degree. RCNET offers PD to help make this easier such as embedding contextual examples of emerging technologies into core nuclear lesson plans.

Utilizing Our Materials

With developing and maturing over 18 full courses, 2 full degree tracks, a textbook, and over 1,200 unique lesson plans matching nuclear curricula, RCNET has a created a plethora of materials. PD sessions are designed to help make it easy to find and implement these materials.

Event Name Date Location Time
Virtual Event
1:30 PM
Virtual Event
1:30 PM
Virtual Event
1:30 PM