Standardized Curriculum
Let us help your college become certified by the nuclear community so that your students will graduate with a portable, industry-recognized credential.
In 2011, recognizing the immediate need for a large replacement nuclear workforce, RCNET worked with industry and nuclear agencies to create a nuclear unified curriculum program. This credential awarded to colleges by INPO verifies that a credentialed college teaches their program to the nuclear standards (ACAD 08-006) and has aligned with local industry.
Students graduating from credentialed colleges and having achieved an 80% or higher in all key courses are awarded an industry-recognized portable certificate.
Since 2011, RCNET has helped over 20 colleges obtain this certification resulting in over 1,5000 NUCP certificates awarded to nuclear technician graduates.
Additionally, RCNET has developed a host of curriculum resources mapped to the over 1,200 NUCP learning objectives which can be found below. Including:
Complete Degree Tracks
For online or live delivery:
- 10 core courses
- Radiation Protection Track (5 courses)
- Environmental Management (5 courses)
Crosswalk to ACADs
Comprehensive crosswalk that links the objectives of ACAD 08-006 with material from RCNET, GP Strategies, NUCP, NANTeL, EPRI, web resources, and more. This can help your program earn the NUCP industry recognition.
Over 1,200 standardized independent lessons plans developed or vetted by RCNET matching ACAD and Engineering Technology Learning Outcomes. For maintenance, operations, I&N, electrical, and RP tracks.
Technology Modules
Including modules in sensors, robotics, and cyber security.
Nuclear Mavericks is a textbook commissioned by RCNET to present the biographics of nine nuclear pioneers with the hope of passing on their traits to the next generation.
Guided Pathways & Best Practices
Sample guided pathways and suggestions to maximize key performance indicators at your college.